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How to Convert a Webpage to PDF using GrabzIt's PDF APIWebpage to PDF

Often, you come across important information on the internet that you may want to save for future reference. The internet changes frequently, so there's no guarantee that a webpage will always be available. That's why knowing how to convert a webpage to PDF is so useful.

Save Website for Offline Viewing

One of the easiest ways to convert a webpage to a PDF is by using a webpage to PDF converter. GrabzIt provides a PDF converter through its Online Tool. Simply enter the URL of the webpage you want to convert and then download the PDF file. It also offers additional features such as customizing the layout and adding watermarks.

For those with programming knowledge, you can also convert a web page to a PDF using a programming language such as PHP. Which then calls the webpage to PDF API to allow you to generate a PDF from a URL or HTML code. This method may require more technical knowledge, but it offers more ways to tailor the PDF exactly how you want.

This comes with the added advantage of allowing you to automate the process of converting webpages into PDFs. This allows you to integrate the conversion process into your own website or application. Of course our API offer various advanced features. Such as customizing the layout, adding watermarks, and converting multiple webpages at once.

In fact GrabzIt's web page to PDF API is highly flexible. It lets you produce great, high quality, PDF files quickly and easily with all the basic features provided for free. Create an account to begin.

To see the API in action please enter the web page URL you wish to convert into a PDF document into the demo. The completed PDF will then be automatically download when our service has finished converting the webpage.

We made it faster to create a PDF from web pages located around the world. By using our global network of servers to create a nearby web browser instance to reduce latency.

Webpage to PDF API

Add GrabzIt's Webpage to PDF feature to your app using our API and one of nine supported programming languages. To begin converting pages, choose a language below to view code examples and instructions.

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using ASP.NET. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the ASP.NET Library, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for ASP.NET to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

//The client should be stored somewhere and reused!
GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret", client);
await grabzIt.SaveToAsync("documents/result.pdf");

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using Java. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the Java Library, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for Java to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert webpages to PDF for free using JavaScript. To start creating PDF screenshots download GrabzIt's JavaScript Library. Then get your key and secret, add the domain you want to use the JavaScript on and then check out the API documentation for JavaScript to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API. Remember to specify the PDF format.

<script src=""></script>
GrabzIt("Sign in to view your Application Key").ConvertURL("", 

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using Node.js. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the Node.js Package, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for Node.js to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

var grabzit = require('grabzit');

var client = new grabzit("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");
client.save_to("documents/result.pdf", function (error, id){
    if (error != null){
        throw error;

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using Perl. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the Perl Library, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for Perl to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.


use GrabzItClient;

$grabzIt = GrabzItClient->new("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");

The below PHP code is an example of a PDF converter script showing how to convert an HTML page into PDF using PHP. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the PHP Library, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for PHP to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.


$grabzIt = new \GrabzIt\GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using Python. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the Python Library, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for Python to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

from GrabzIt import GrabzItClient

grabzIt = GrabzItClient.GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")

This code shows how simple it is to change a URL into a PDF using GrabzIt's RESTful API. The API documentation contains even more ways you can customize your captures. in to view your Application Key&format=pdf&

The following code snippet illustrates how easy it is to convert a URL into a PDF using Ruby. To start creating PDF screenshots just download the Ruby Gem, get your key and secret and then use the demo contained within. Finally check out the API documentation for Ruby to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

require 'grabzit'

grabzItClient ="Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")

You can further customize your converted files using templates. These allow you to create highly flexible headers and footers for any of the PDF documents you generate.

Save Webpage as PDF

If you have a website, CMS, or blog, you can let users save the current webpage as a PDF. You can do this by clicking on a link or button, by adding the Save As PDF Plugin to your website. This plugin is compatible with all browsers including Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Other ways to Convert the Web to PDF

Instead of converting one webpage, you can convert a website to PDF using a special web scraper template. This template will instruct the web scraper to follow all the links on the entire website. The system converts every discovered link to the PDF file format.

You are not limited to just converting URLs. To convert HTML or a saved webpage to PDF, you can use our API to convert HTML directly into PDF file.