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How to beef up your SEO toolkit for free

01 May 2020
Free SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. However, in order to see the effect of any optimizations, you perform you need to be able to measure the effectiveness of your changes.

There are paid SEO toolkits that can help with the SEO process, but these can be expensive.

GrabzIt is not solely an SEO tool but is instead designed to capture the web with an API and set of easy to use online tools. However, these tools also fulfil many of the needs of an SEO practitioner.

For instance, if you are doing on-page SEO you can set up GrabzIt's Screenshot Tool to record improvements made to a web page at regular intervals, by saving the web page automatically to PDF. This can then be combined with a screenshot of the Google results page to identify where the website appears in google search results. Allowing your SEO client to be shown the changes made to their website and how it affected their search rankings.

What about discovering the issues that exist on the web page itself? Well, GrabzIt’s Website Analyzer provides in-depth SEO analysis of a web page. Such as the speed of the page you are interested in, which is important because faster pages are usually ranked higher by search engines. To help create suggestions on fixing speed issues the Website Analyser uses YSlow and other techniques to attempt to identify what may be causing a website to be loading slow.

Another issue that the Website Analyzer picks up, is readability. A website that is not readable to most people online will never do well. Finally, it also checks the accessibility of the website using WCAG to identify issues that may cause impaired users not to be able to use a website.

A web page can be added to a dashboard in the Website Analyzer and performance changes recorded over time, along with downloadable white-label reports.

A common SEO problem with websites is broken links. A lot of 404 errors on a website can cause it to be penalized in the search engine results. GrabzIt's tools provide a solution to this problem in the form of a template that will search the whole website for broken links.

Another issue that should be fixed is broken images, not only do broken images make a website look bad, they also slow down page load time. That is why GrabzIt created a template to check all the images on a website.

So as you can see while GrabzIt is not an SEO only tool it does provide almost all an SEO expert will need.

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