Tools to Capture and Convert the Web
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Grabzit Callback - Examples?

Ask questions on how to capture or convert web pages or HTML into images, CSV, PDF or DOCX documents as well on how to convert videos into animated GIF's using our API.

I'm using this service to generate a PDF from HTML of a contest entry form but now I've enhanced the submission process to allow submitting up to 10 entries at one time. As generating the PDFs in a loop takes roughly 2min (while the user sees a spinning GIF but can't do anything and just has to wait) I'd like to explore the callback functionality but can't find good examples. I know my PHP handler must be publicly accessible but would much appreciate some sample code.

Asked by Ross Waddell on the 17th of January 2021


There is some indepth documentation on callback handlers and a working example in the PHP demo.

Kind regards

Answered by GrabzIt Support on the 17th of January 2021