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Hello sir,
I am sandip i have to configure GRABZIT for youtube to gif. but it seems generate error. have look below error detail.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'GrabzIt\GrabzItImageOptions' not found in /media/phpuser/Data/sandip/study/demo/php/lib/GrabzItClient.php:182 Stack trace: #0 /media/phpuser/Data/sandip/study/demo/php/index.php(78): GrabzIt\GrabzItClient->URLToImage('') #1 {main} thrown in /media/phpuser/Data/sandip/study/demo/php/lib/GrabzItClient.php on line 182
Please help me.
We just fixed this issue are you using version:
Kind Regards
Then you will need to upgrade to version
I have used latest version still error occured.
Ok, can you open GrabzItClient.php and put some echo statements on the $file_name variable in the spl_autoload_register function. Hopefully this will explain why it isn't working.
I did echo with filename nothing happend. it showing blank page
If PHP can't find a class it should then call spl_autoload_register can you put a simple echo in there that outputs some static text?
What version of PHP are you using?
Also can you replace the content spl_autoload_register of with:
$file_name = str_replace("GrabzIt\\", '', $class_name) . '.php';
if (strpos($file_name, "GrabzIt") === 0) {
This does not require a file lookup.
Thanks error removed
but i unable to convert youtube url to gif.
Your animated GIF exceeds the maximum total resolution allowed on your package. Upgrade for free to generate animated GIFs with a higher total resolution:
I am glad the code change fixed the problem. We will release that soon.
What options are you specifiying for the GrabzItAnimationOptions class?
I choosing the youtube url to gif
Youtube url:
That's GrabzIt's code.
What options are you selecting from the GrabzItAnimationOptions class? And then passing in the $options variable?
I dont know about which option u are talking. i just copy GRABIT php package and configure.
now u tell me what to do.
You must be setting width, height, frames per second or duration as by default it keeps within the total resolution restrictions for the free package. I have checked the PHP demo just to make sure it does and it works correctly.
More information on this can be found in this article.
Thanks for help.
Now let me know how to remove watermark from GIF.
Further let me know if i use your library free then how much days is it free for to use.
To remove the GrabzIt watermark you need to subscribe, you can do so with a seven day free trial.
If you want to just use the free account it is free forever.