Tools to Capture and Convert the Web

Stop people from stealing your online content

29 April 2020
Online Content Thief

Imagine you spend day or weeks making online content for your blog, website or something else only for someone to steal it and put it on their website.

Not only is this unfair but it is illegal. Almost all countries provide copyright protection, often as soon as it is created. Unfortunately, just putting a copyright symbol on your web page won't cut it.

Legally copyright protection isn’t as bulletproof as you might think, in general, it allows you to take the offending party to court.

However, unless you can prove you created the content first it will just be your word against the person stealing your content. If the content you create is important to you will need to be able to prove when you created it. This, unfortunately, can be difficult.

You can record your work’s existence with a solicitor. This doesn’t prove that you created the work at any given time. Nor does it prove the work is original. But it can help prove that you had the work in your possession on the date in question, if any disputes arise in the future.

It’s a good idea, if possible, to keep copies of work in progress, so that you can show how you developed your work and when, if you ever need to.

The Copyright Hub

As you can see it isn’t even good enough just to keep a copy of your work. You should keep copies of your work as it progresses so you can prove that you were the one that created it. For online content, this is easy to do but also very easy to forget to do!

This is were GrabzIt comes in. It can turn web pages into PDF documents, with a watermark at the bottom of the document containing the time it was created. When the PDF capture is completed the result can be automatically uploaded to a third-party storage solution like Dropbox, which is free to use. This allows you to keep versions of your work overtime with a log of when the copy was last updated.

If you only have a few web pages you are concerned about you can use the Screenshot Tool or if you want your entire website to be protected the Web Scraper provides the Copy Protection template, which automates the whole process of copy protecting a website.

Fortunately, both of the Screenshot Tool and the Web Scraper also let you repeat convert web pages into PDF’s at a regular schedule enabling you to automate the whole process of copy protection.

Once you setup GrabzIt to automatically capture your content, you can finally put your mind at ease.

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