Tools to Capture and Convert the Web

Convert HTML to Word and URLs to DOCX with GrabzItHTML to Word API

For those who need to convert HTML to Word regularly. Using an API (Application Programming Interface) may be the best option. An API allows you to integrate the conversion process into your own software or website.

Making it more efficient and automated. This method is ideal for businesses or individuals who need to convert large volumes of files regularly.

This is simple with GrabzIt's DOCX API. The API enables you to convert HTML and web pages into the Microsoft Word file format.

The HTML to DOCX and URL to DOCX service uses a web browser to render the HTML first as a web page. This then helps to generate more accurate conversions when creating the Microsoft Office Word documents. The modern Word format, based on DOCX, is also open and editable.

We recommend you try the demo and see for yourself. This demonstrates how our HTML to DOCX API can convert any HTML into an editable word document.

Of course, HTML pages are not directly equivalent to Word docs. As some features of HTML, such as background images, do not translate well into DOCX files. Our converter handles a lot of these issues automatically. Where it isn't developers usually have the option to not convert a particular web page feature into DOCX.

But why would you want to create Word documents over something like PDF? The main advantage of the DOCX format is that it is both an open format and people can easily edit it. Which is a common requirement in many apps.

Many people prefer to work with Word documents for their professional or personal needs. One such example would be to create a report or invoice template for the user to edit. Along with a automatically generated table of contents.

After testing the rendering of our URL to DOCX and HTML to DOCX services. We are confident our HTML converter is providing the best high quality DOCX conversions available today.


Use GrabzIt's HTML to DOCX functionality to convert HTML snippets into Word documents, directly from your app. Or if you are wondering how to convert HTML files to Word documents. This is also possible by using the FileToDOCX to convert HTML documents rather than the HTMLToDOCX method shown below.

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using any ASP.NET language such as C#, which is shown below. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a ASP.NET demo app.

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
grabzIt.HTMLToDOCX("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"); 

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using Java. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Java demo app.

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
grabzIt.HTMLToDOCX("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"); 

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to convert HTML to DOCX using JS. To start creating DOCX documents first download GrabzIt's JavaScript Library. Then get your key and secret, add the domain you want to use the GrabzIt on. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for JavaScript to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

<script src="<%= APIVersion.JavaScript %>/grabzit.min.js"></script>
GrabzIt("Sign in to view your Application Key").ConvertHTML("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>",
{"format": "pdf"}).Create();

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using Node.js. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Node.js demo app.

var grabzit = require('grabzit');

var client = new grabzit("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
client.html_to_docx("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");
client.save_to("documents/result.docx", function (error, id){
    if (error != null){
        throw error;

The code below demonstrates a simple HTML to Word converter script. That converts HTML to word in Perl. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Perl demo app.


use GrabzItClient;

$grabzIt = GrabzItClient->new("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
$grabzIt->HTMLToDOCX("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");

The code below demonstrates how easy it is for PHP to convert HTML to DOCX. To use PHP for HTML to Word conversions just follow these instructions and start using the a PHP demo app.


$grabzIt = new \GrabzIt\GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
$grabzIt->HTMLToDOCX("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"); 

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using Python. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Python demo app.

from GrabzIt import GrabzItClient

grabzIt = GrabzItClient.GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>")
grabzIt.HTMLToDOCX("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>") 

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using GrabzIt's RESTful API.

-d key=Sign in to view your Application Key
-d format=docx 
-d html=%3Chtml%3E%3Cbody%3E%3Ch1%3EHello%20World%21%3C%2Fh1%3E%3C%2Fbody%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E  

The code below demonstrates how simple it is to create a Word document from HTML using Ruby. To start converting HTML to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Ruby demo app.

require 'grabzit'

grabzItClient ="Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>")
grabzItClient.html_to_docx("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>")	


To convert a web page to DOCX, you can use GrabzIt's URL to DOCX API. Our webpage to Word converter uses our network of globally positioned servers. To generate Word documents as quickly as possible.

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our ASP.NET API. Just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown in the C# example below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a ASP.NET demo app.

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");

It is also easy to convert a webpage to word using our Java API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Java demo app.

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our JavaScript API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start creating DOCX documents download GrabzIt's JavaScript Library. Then get your key and secret, add the domain you want to use GrabzIt on. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for JavaScript to find out all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

<script src="<%= APIVersion.JavaScript %>/grabzit.min.js"></script>
GrabzIt("Sign in to view your Application Key").ConvertURL("",
{"format": "docx"}).Create();

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our Node.js API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Node.js demo app.

var grabzit = require('grabzit');

var client = new grabzit("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");
client.save_to("documents/result.docx", function (error, id){
    if (error != null){
        throw error;

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our Perl API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Perl demo app.


use GrabzItClient;

$grabzIt = GrabzItClient->new("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our PHP API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a PHP demo app.


$grabzIt = new \GrabzIt\GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>");

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our Python API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Python demo app.

from GrabzIt import GrabzItClient

grabzIt = GrabzItClient.GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>")

Creating a Word document from a webpage using our RESTful API is also easy. Just specify the URL you want to convert along with your security credentials. in to view your Application Key&format=docx&

It is also easy to create a Word document from a webpage using our Ruby API, just specify the URL you want to convert, as shown below. To start converting URL's to DOCX just follow these instructions to start using the a Ruby demo app.

require 'grabzit'

grabzItClient ="Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret")%>")

To learn more about how GrabzIt converts HTML into DOCX, refer to this guide on supported CSS attributes.