Tools to Capture and Convert the Web
full page screenshot

Create a full page screenshot with GrabzIt

In today's digital age, screenshots have become an essential tool for communication and documentation! Whether you're trying to show a friend a funny meme or capture important information for work. Screenshots are a quick and easy way to share information.

However, sometimes a regular screenshot just won't cut it. That's where full page screenshots come in. In this article, we'll discuss how to capture full size screenshots with GrabzIt's API and Online Tools.

A full page screenshot, also called a scrolling screenshot, captures the whole webpage or document in one high quality image. This means screenshots capture the full web page and have the same height and width as the web page that is being screenshot. The image to the right shows a scaled example of a full length screenshot.

It can sometimes be critical to capture text and images that extend beyond your visible screen! For instance full size screenshots are especially helpful for web designers, developers, and content creators. Who need to capture the entire layout of a webpage.

So how to screenshot an entire webpage? The first option is to capture a full size screenshot Online Screenshot Tool by selecting the full length option. The Online Screenshot Tool can also create screenshots with the exact size of the browser by selecting the Full Width and Full Height options. Another option is to integrate full length screenshots into your app by using the API as described below.

Our Full Page Screenshot API

Add the ability to create a full page screen capture in your application with GrabzIt's Screenshot API. Our API currently supports nine different programming languages.

First, choose your preferred language from the options below. Then read the sample code and instructions. The below examples creates an image with the same size as the websites height and width.

Select your preferred language from the options below to access sample code and instructions for beginning. The below examples creates an image the same size as the websites height and width.

The example code below demonstrates how to screenshot the entire page using ASP.NET. To start capturing full webpages just download the ASP.NET Library, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for ASP.NET to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

ImageOptions options = new ImageOptions();
options.BrowserHeight = -1;
options.Width = -1;
options.Height = -1;

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", 
    "Sign in to view your Application Secret");
grabzIt.URLToImage("", options); 

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full size screenshot using Java. To start capturing full webpages just download the Java Library, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for Java to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

ImageOptions options = new ImageOptions();

GrabzItClient grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key",
    "Sign in to view your Application Secret");
grabzIt.URLToImage("", options); 

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full length screenshot using JavaScript. To start capturing full webpages download GrabzIt's JavaScript Library. Then get your Application Key and Secret, add the domain you want to use the JavaScript on and then check out the screenshot API documentation for JavaScript to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

<script src="<%= APIVersion.JavaScript %>/grabzit.min.js"></script>
GrabzIt("Sign in to view your Application Key").ConvertURL("", 

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full page screenshot using Node.js. To start capturing full webpages just download the Node.js Package, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for Node.js to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

var grabzit = require('grabzit');

var options = {"width":-1, "height":-1, "browserHeight":-1};

var client = new grabzit("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");
client.url_to_image("", options);
client.save_to("images/result.jpg", function (error, id){
    if (error != null){
        throw error;

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full size screenshot using Perl. To start capturing full webpages just download the Perl Library, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for Perl to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.


use GrabzItClient;

$options = GrabzItImageOptions->new();

$grabzIt = new GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");
$grabzIt->URLToImage("", $options);

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to screenshot an entire webpage using PHP. To start capturing full webpages just download the PHP Library, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for PHP to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.


$grabzIt = new \GrabzIt\GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key", "Sign in to view your Application Secret");

$options = new \GrabzIt\GrabzItImageOptions();

$grabzIt->URLToImage("", $options); 

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full page screenshot using Python. To start capturing full webpages just download the Python Library, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for Python to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

from GrabzIt import GrabzItClient
from GrabzIt import GrabzItImageOptions

options = GrabzItImageOptions.GrabzItImageOptions()
options.width = -1
options.height = -1
options.browserHeight = -1

grabzIt = GrabzItClient.GrabzItClient("Sign in to view your Application Key",
    "Sign in to view your Application Secret")
grabzIt.URLToImage("", options) 

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full size screenshot using our REST API. Also check out the RESTful screenshot API documentation to discover all the ways you can use customize your captures. in to view your Application Key&format=jpg&bheight=-1&width=-1&height=-1&

The example code below demonstrates how easy it is to create a full length screenshot using Ruby. To start capturing full webpages just download the Ruby Gem, get your Application Key and Secret and then use the demo contained within. Then check out the screenshot API documentation for Ruby to discover all the ways you can use GrabzIt's API.

require 'grabzit'

options =
options.browserHeight = -1
options.width = -1
options.height = -1

grabzItClient ="Sign in to view your Application Key", 
    "Sign in to view your Application Secret")
grabzItClient.url_to_image("", options)	

To create a full page image screenshot pass -1 to the image height and width, as well as the browser height parameters.