Ask questions relating to GrabzIt's Web Scraper Tool. Such as how to use the web scraper and API to extract data from web pages, images or PDF documents.
I'd like to schedule a daily repeating web scrape and export the data using a different export filename each time, preferably date-stamped or using an incrementing counter. Is there a way to specify this?
Yes it's possible using variables in the filename.
Thanks support, I've added the placeholder mentioned in the referenced answer and it is working as expected - problem solved. Just out of curiosity, is there a list of existing placeholders somewhere? Might be a valuable addition to the documentation or helper tooltip...
Glad it's working for you. We originally had it there as a tooltip, but it seemed to cause even more confusion so we had to remove it!
Ok, I understand. May be worth another shot in the documentation, though :)
Good point, we have updated the documentation about filenames.