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i try to insert into template header a table with a cell that contains a multirow text
if i try to export the first row is correct, the other have a unecessary space
row 1
row 2
row 3
if i set the same text outside the table the text is correct
how can i fix it?
thank you
What is the multirow text you are sending in? It seems to work for me.
there is the empty space in the begin of ro 2 and 3
I realise what you are saying. But what are you sending in your template variable?
yes, i send text by the variable
the problem still the same
As I have asked before can you give me the text?
row 1
row 2
row 3
row 1
row 2
row 3
What you are passing to the API. In fact the snippet of your code would be ideal.
$header=get_field('intestazioni_intestazione', $iid);
$header=str_replace("<br />","/n", $header);
$header= strip_tags($header);
$footer=get_field('intestazioni_pie_di_pagina', $iid);
$footer=str_replace("<br />","/n", $footer);
$footer= strip_tags($footer);
$options->AddTemplateParameter("header"," ".$header);
$options->AddTemplateParameter("footer"," ".$footer);
It might be the code that is generating the template variable then. I used this for my template variable and it worked perfectly:
test: 1/n2/n3
but you insert your text into table?
because if i set the text outside the table i haven't problem