Ask questions on how to capture or convert web pages or HTML into images, CSV, PDF or DOCX documents as well on how to convert videos into animated GIF's using our API.
When we run the docx generator we get a file back ie
var HTML = document.querySelector('#' + $parameters.SectionId).innerHTML;
GrabzIt("XXXXXXXXXXXX").ConvertHTML(HTML, {"filename": $parameters.OutputFileName,"format": "docx"}).Create();
however when we run
var HTML = document.querySelector('#' + $parameters.SectionId).innerHTML;
GrabzIt("XXXXXXXX").ConvertHTML(HTML, {"format": "pdf"}).Create();
we never recieve a file back.
We know that the HTML works as we have cut and paste into the demo box on the website. Not sure if the demo is Javascript though ie could the javascript PDF generator be broken?
It sounds like there maybe a problem with the JavaScript please can you check here to see if it is being successfully generated.
If it is please check developer tools to see if there are any errors.
If you can email us the HTML you are using we can try it ourselves.
Thanks for the response. I have had a look in the diagnostic tool you pointed to and teh file is showing as successfully generated there. So it looks like it isn't being brought back to the browser as a download. I'm using the latest version of edge.
You need to look in developer tools in the browser to see what's happening:
We are also seeing the same issue with PDF not being returned to browser on Chrome so not a unique Edge issue
I have just tried the convrting HTML to PDF and its working fine. The problem is you are not specifying the download property as shown here.
If the download property is not specified the PDF is displayed in the page. This is not possible for a DOCX so it is just downloaded.