Tools to Capture and Convert the Web
GrabzIt's Online Community

Uncaught SyntaxError: '' literal not terminated before end of script javascript.ashx:1:1168

Ask questions on how to capture or convert web pages or HTML into images, CSV, PDF or DOCX documents as well on how to convert videos into animated GIF's using our API.

When I click to downoad the image generated by Grabzirt, I ge this error message.
Not sure how to fix it.

Here is my code:

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"></script>

This is in my <head>

Now for my JS:

GrabzIt("MY KEY")
.ConvertPage({"target": "#saveBoard","download":"1", "bheight": -1, "height": -1, "width": -1,
"onstart": function(){
// alert('Download is Starting. Please wait a few seconds while we prepare your image');
// downloadImage.disabled=true;
console.log('Download is starting');
},"onfinish": function(){
// downloadImage.disabled=false;
Asked by GrabzIt Support on the 2nd of October 2021

Sorry, about this we have recently moved our API to a new technology which allowed this bug to creep in we have fixed the issue and it should be working now.

Answered by GrabzIt Support on the 2nd of October 2021