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Full Page Screenshot for liverpool

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Hello Team,

Can you please check screenshot for below url?,-tanque-de-tinta-a-color,-wifi/usb,-botellas-de-tinta-negro/color/1091438077 

I'm not getting full page screenshot, when we are getting bottom of the page then Top section is not capturing.

I have tried a lot if you can provide me a solution ASAP then it would be really helpfull.


Govind Singh

Asked by anonymous on the 16th of October 2020

Hi Govind,

You should just need to specify a delay to allow the contents to load. I used a 10000ms delay and it worked fine.

Kind Regards

Answered by GrabzIt Support on the 16th of October 2020

Hello Team,

I have used below Properties.

options.BrowserHeight = -1
options.BrowserWidth = -1
options.OutputWidth = -1
options.OutputHeight = -1
options.Delay = 10000

Using that i'm getting Top portion but not getting Full page(Footer still missing).


Govind Singh

Answered by anonymous on the 16th of October 2020

A longer delay captures the bottom I used 30000ms.

Answered by GrabzIt Support on the 16th of October 2020

I have used 30000ms but still the same issue.

Are you sure you are getting full page screenshot?

This is very urgent from our side so can you please check and get back to me ASAP?

also which programming you are using?

I'm using .net Technology with VB and C#.

Dim GrabzIt As GrabzItClient = New GrabzItClient(Application key, secreat key)
Dim options As ImageOptions = New ImageOptions()
options.BrowserHeight = -1
options.BrowserWidth = -1
options.OutputWidth = -1
options.OutputHeight = -1
options.Delay = 30000
GrabzIt.URLToImage(",-tanque-de-tinta-a-color,-wifi/usb,-botellas-de-tinta-negro/color/1091438077", options)

Answered by anonymous on the 16th of October 2020

It won't matter what language you use as it all talks to the same API. You shouldn't set the BrowserWidth to -1. This will give you the default width, perhaps set it to something larger like 1200.

Anyway we have included a smarter scrolling technique as part of our latest release, which we have just pushed. So it should now work for you.

Answered by GrabzIt Support on the 16th of October 2020