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Converting FB Post URL's to PDF on server

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Hi, I'm currently looking for a script that will allow me to input a Facebook post URL and then scrape that post, including all comments and replies.

In order to do this the script will need to log in to FB using my supplied credentials and then proceed to the post URL that I specify somewhere.

One critical step before scraping is that the "Read more.." and "View X replies" links that Facebook automatically inserts will have to be clicked and expanded so the text is available. From what I can tell these are all Jquery/Ajax links that execute a database call.

I have found a javascript applet that runs in chrome that will do this but I need that applet to run as part of this library before the scraping takes place (

I'm prepared to write custom code in your downloaded library but want to know f this is an already included capability.


Thank you
Ronnie Tanner

Asked by anonymous on the 3rd of February 2020