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python *docx* return a error

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i use grabzIt.HTMLToDOCX to create a *docx*, when i use docx.Document to return a |Document| object loaded from *docx*, python return a error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/chenjiahua/PycharmProjects/my_game/mysite/export2word/", line 30, in <module>
File "/Users/chenjiahua/PycharmProjects/work/zhongbiao_web_svr/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/docxcompose/", line 51, in append
self.insert(index, doc, remove_property_fields=remove_property_fields)
File "/Users/chenjiahua/PycharmProjects/work/zhongbiao_web_svr/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/docxcompose/", line 71, in insert
self.add_styles(doc, element)
File "/Users/chenjiahua/PycharmProjects/work/zhongbiao_web_svr/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/docxcompose/", line 253, in add_styles
TypeError: Argument 'element' has incorrect type (expected lxml.etree._Element, got NoneType)

Asked by anonymous on the 30th of April 2019

Sorry, but that seems to be an error is someone elses software. It looks like it could be related to this issue:

Answered by anonymous on the 30th of April 2019

thanks, i just pass this error,no influence

Answered by anonymous on the 30th of April 2019