There are no forum posts on this topic! Why don't you write one?
npm install grabzit
const GrabzIt = require('grabzit');
i created service with this code
const grabzIt = new GrabzIt(apiKey, apiSecret);
const options = {
format: "pdf",
target: url
console.log("aqui voy:",url);
grabzIt.url_to_pdf(options, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return res.status(200).json({ status: "ERROR",message:error});
} else {
client.save_to("/", function (error, id){
//this callback is called once the capture is downloaded
if (error != null){
throw error;
console.log("PDF ID:", result);
return res.status(200).json({ status: "SUCCESS",message:result});
i test in postman y this dont resolve...
or give me please library to c# framework 4.8 or 4.6
please I need to create service to download pdf .. and need config option landspace and portrait. and size pages.
Paulo Suarez
I think you are getting things mixed up here. The nodesjs documentation is here:
The URL should be specified separately to the options as shown in this example:
var options = {"customId":123456};
client.url_to_pdf("", options);
You can download the C# version as explained here.