- Location Specific Screenshots
GrabzIt supports location specific screenshots, which are screenshots taken from a particular country. Find out how to use this feature in your applications.
- How to create Captures even faster!
If you want to speed up the time it takes to take captures, follow these helpful tips.
- How to take a screenshot of your user’s web page in JavaScript
Discover bugs, and issues by creating screenshots of your user's current web page using GrabzIt's JavaScript API and this technique.
- How to create High Definition Screenshots?
Use GrabzIt's API to create high definition screenshots, with four times the usual number of pixels of websites and HTML captures. Additionally a section of a page can be targeted this is then zoomed into to make a HD screenshot.
- How to convert a webpages into PDF documents?
Find out how to easily convert a web page into a PDF document using GrabzIt's web services and online tools.
- Why are the screenshots not returned in the same order I request them in?
Confused why your screenshots are not returned in the order you requested them when using the asynchronous method, this article explains why this can occur.
- How do you take a screenshot from behind a login?
Have a login only page that you need to take a screenshot of? This article explains how to do it.
- How do you take a capture a populated form in JavaScript?
How to take a screenshot of a form after it has been filled in by the user, using the JavaScript API.
- How do I automatically take a screenshot without writing any code?
Our Online Screenshot Tool allows you to take web screenshots without writing any code, this article explains how it works.
- What browser does GrabzIt use to take the screenshot?
Find out about our customized browser software we use to take screenshots.
- Is there a way to use GrabzIt in a ASP.NET Windows Application rather than a Web Application?
How to take a screenshot without requiring a callback handler using ASP.NET.
- You are trying to use a Callback URL that does not exist! Please enter a URL that is both absolute and public
This article explains what the not accessible URL error is and how to solve it.
- How do you dynamically set the URL in the JavaScript API?
An explanation of how to set parameters in the JavaScript API once the page has loaded.
- How do I change a filename of a screenshot with GrabzIt's API?
This article explains three different approaches to changing the filename of a screenshot using our API.
- How do I create a image screenshot with a full height and width?
Instructions on how to create a screenshot with a width and height the same size of the web page.
- Create Full Length Screenshots or Full Page Screenshots
Find how you can use GrabzIt's API's and Online Screenshot Tool to take full length screenshots also known as full page screenshots of an entire web page.
- How do I associate a user with a screenshot?
GrabzIt supports passing custom ids with screenshot requests, this article explains how the custom ids can be used to associate a user with a screenshot.
- How do I change the width and height of a screenshot?
Instructions on how to change the width and height of a screenshot.
- YouTube to GIF
Create free animated GIF's by converting YouTube to GIF, Vimeo to GIF and Video to GIF, with GrabzIt's Online Screenshot Tool and multiple API's.
- You are trying to take a screenshot of a URL that does not exist
An explanation of the URL does not exist error and how to solve it.
- HTML Table to CSV
Convert HTML tables embedded in web pages into CSV or Excel documents, with GrabzIt's Online Screenshot Tool and multiple API's.
- How to setup your GrabzIt Demo
Follow these simple instructions on how to quickly setup and use your GrabzIt Demo.
- Do you support Flash?
How our screenshot service works with web pages containing Flash.
- Do you support WOFF fonts?
How our screenshot service works with WOFF based fonts.
- Does GrabzIt work with charting software?
If you have some on-line charting software you want to take a screenshot this article explains the caveats.
- Can you set a image to be XX Dots Per Inch (DPI)?
How the Dots Per Inch in a image applies when handling screenshots.
- Is SVG supported?
How our screenshot service handles SVG elements within web pages.
- Screenshot Mobile Websites
How the GrabzIt API and the Online Screenshot Tool can be used to screenshot websites as a mobile or tablet device.
- Using CSS Selectors in GrabzIt
How to use CSS selectors in the target element, hide element and wait for element features of GrabzIt's capture API.
- Why do captures not appear the same as in the browser?
How to make the capture GrabzIt generates match what is shown when your target URL or HTML is rendered in Chrome.
- Take a Screenshot of Google Maps or Mapbox
Easily create a Google Maps screenshot or other online maps such as Mapbox. With our screenshot API and Screenshot Tool.
- How to post to a form and screenshot the result?
Learn how to post to a HTTP form and screenshot the result using GrabzIt's API.
- Blocking Adverts on Web Screenshots
Find out how to remove adverts from web screenshots with GrabzIt's API's.
- Invalid Callback URL. Please provide a valid web address.
This article explains how to fix the Invalid Callback URL. Please provide a valid web address error.
- How to add headers and footers to DOCX and PDF documents?
Find out how to create templates that can be then added to DOCX and PDF documents through GrabzIt's API.
- Retrieval Methods for GrabzIt's API
Find out how you can use the retrieval methods provided by the GrabzIt API to automatically download captures.
- How do I enable user cookie behavior?
Make GrabzIt captures work the same way as a users browser, keeping the cookies between different requests.
- Can GrabzIt's JavaScript API be used on HTTPS websites?
Find out how to use GrabzIt's JavaScript API on websites using HTTPS.
- How to scale a PDF or DOCX to the browser width?
How to change the browser width used when creating PDF and DOCX documents. This could have an effect on how the document appears for instance a small width is likely to make the document appear as a mobile website.
- How does GrabzIt handle caching?
What caching does GrabzIt do when creating captures and what the best strategy for using cached screenshots.
- How to auto-size an Animated GIF?
How to automatically size an animated GIF to its correct aspect ratio, without any padding or cropping from the source video.
- How to convert large HTML snippets using GrabzIt's API
Sometimes you want to convert a large HTML snippet into a single DOCX, PDF document or image. While there are limitations on how much HTML can be converted at once this article explains how to work around them.
- How to convert webpage to PDF using Print CSS
Occasionally a web page will have CSS that is only used for printing. Sometimes using this CSS when creating a PDF document results in a better PDF. This article explains how to use this CSS to create a PDF.
- Including a Table Of Contents in a DOCX document
You can automatically add table of contents to a DOCX created using GrabzIt by using the special table of contents element in the HTML.
- How to add password protection to a PDF or Word document
Add password protection to any PDF or DOCX file created using GrabzIt, so only the people who should be able to read the document can.
- How to Control the Cropping of PDF Content?
Control how a PDF document is cropped when creating a document from a targeted HTML element.
- How to stop relative links being converted to absolute links in DOCX and PDF documents?
When converting HTML snippet relative links are usually automatically converted to absolute links when an address parameter is also specified, unless you follow this advice.
- I want to block access to my callback handler except from GrabzIt, is this possible?
How to secure access to your GrabzIt callback handler so that only GrabzIt can access it.
- Domain is not valid with this application key. Please add it to your authorized domains.
What the domain is not valid with this application key means and how to solve it.
- How do I stop large image screenshots being stretched?
This article explains how to avoid the problem of large screenshots appearing stretched.
- Java: Unsupported major.minor version
What the Java unsupported version error means and how to solve it.
- How to handle the rate limit reached error
What the rate limit reached error is and how to solve it.
- Why does the PDF content not fill the page width?
Sometimes the width of content in PDF screenshots does not fill the page. Find out why and how to solve it.
- How does Capture Priority work?
What is Capture Priority and how it effects the time it takes to process captures.
- How do you improve the quality of web captures?
Find out how the quality of your captures, can be improved to match your specific requirements, be it for images, PDF's, DOCX or animated GIF's.
- I am using a .NET language other than C# can I still use your library?
This explains how any .NET language can use the GrabzIt DLL.
- How do I use the scheduled task import/export functionality?
Get some useful tips on exporting and importing scheduled tasks into the Online Screenshot Tool.
- How do I show a screenshot in a web page when using a callback handler?
Find out how to display a screenshot on a page when using the asynchronous callback handler method.
- How do you calculate Total Resolution for animated GIF's?
Find out how we calculate the allowed total resolution for an animated GIF and what package you will require.
- Take screenshots of Unicode URL's with GrabzIt
Find out how to take screenshots of websites that use Unicode URLs with GrabzIt screenshot service.
- How to remove cookie notifications from screenshots
Cookie notifications in screenshots can ruin what would otherwise be an excellent screenshot. Find out how to remove these notifications, including using GrabzIt's automatic cookie notification removal feature.
- How to disable JavaScript inline popups?
Occasionally screenshots contain unwanted inline JavaScript popups find out how you can try to disable them.
- How to test a Callback Handler?
Learn how to use GrabzIt's Callback Handler test tool to easily debug your own Callback Handlers.
- How do I store a capture in a database?
Captures, such as screenshots and animated GIF's can easily be stored in a database as well as a file system. Follow this simple tutorial to find out how.
- How do you improve the quality of an animated GIF?
Find out how you can improve the quality of an animated GIF produced when converted from an online video.
- Capture screenshots of web pages that use Basic Authentication
GrabzIt can capture any web page protected by basic authentication and covert it into an image, DOCX or PDF.
- Do you support canvas elements?
How our screenshot service works with canvas functionality.
- YouTube video has been removed, has an age restriction or is not available in the country it is being taken from
What does the YouTube video has been removed, has an age restriction or is not available in the country it is being taken from mean and how to solve it.
- Supported CSS attributes when creating DOCX from HTML
To help you create the best possible HTML document to convert to DOCX this quick guide shows you the main CSS attributes that are used format the DOCX content.
- Tips on writing HTML for conversion
How to create HTML content for conversion by GrabzIt's HTML converting API's.
- Using GrabzIt behind a Proxy
How to use GrabzIt's capture API when your machine is located behind a proxy.
- How do you alter a web page before converting it?
How to alter the a web page before converting it to a image, PDF or DOCX.
- How to add bookmarks or outlines to PDF Documents?
Adding bookmarks to PDF document makes it easier for the reader to navigate to the section of the document they are interested in, fortunately GrabzIt automates this process for you.
- How to solve issues with your Callback Handler?
Find the solutions for the main reasons why your callback handler may not be working.
- Can we licence GrabzIt's capture software to run independently on our own servers?
The reason why it is not possible to run GrabzIt's capture software on independently of our API on external servers.
- Using PHP's Symfony Framework with GrabzIt’s Capture API
How to use GrabzIt Bundle to create websites screenshots and convert HTML to PDF, images, DOCX and more in the Symfony Framework.
- How does GrabzIt convert HTML to DOCX
Find out about GrabzIt's approach when converting HTML to DOCX, in order to create the best Word documents possible.
- An unknown network error occurred
Some hints and tips on fixing the unknown network error issue.
- How to add borders to PDF documents?
It is very easy to add a border to your PDF document by using some simple HTML and CSS.
- Why does taking a screenshot of some web pages result in a blank or white capture?
This article explains how blank captures can be created and how to solve the error.
- What are Remaining Captures?
This article explains what remaining captures are and how you can use them.
- An error occurred trying to save the screenshot
Find out what this error means and how to stop it occurring in the future.
- What is the Maximum Screenshot Size?
Find out how the maximum screenshot size
is calculated in GrabzIt.
- This screenshot is temporarily not accessible due to its storage location being offline
This article explains what the screenshot is temporarily not accessible error means and how to solve it.
- Why is my full length screenshot squashed?
If you have a full length screenshot that is appearing vertically squashed, we explain how to fix it.
- Does GrabzIt support HTTPS?
How our screenshot service works with HTTPS based websites.
- Does your service effect Google Analytics?
Find out how our service deals with Google Analytics.
- Does GrabzIt support Java Applets?
Find out how GrabzIt's screenshot services handle Java Applets.