GrabzIt provides four special watermarks that have special functionality above that of a normal watermark. To use one of these special watermarks just follow the instructions below to create the watermark identifier and then pass it in the place of a normal custom watermark identifier.
The browser watermark shrinks and re-positions the screenshot slightly to allow a generic browser image, shown right, to be added to the screenshot. This watermark includes an address bar with the URL of the web page and a border matching the color of the generic browser is placed around the screenshot. Note that the browser watermark is not compatible with PDF screenshots.
The browser watermark identifier has no extra parameters and has the following format.
Counter watermarks are only really useful on PDF or Animated GIF captures because for every page or frame respectively the counter increments by one and is displayed at the location you desire on the capture. The counter watermark identifier has the following format.
GrabzIt_Counter_{vertical position}_{horiztonal position}
You must replace the {vertical position}
, {horiztonal position}
placeholders with one of the following options:
Some example GrabzIt counter watermarks.
GrabzIt_Counter_Top_Left GrabzIt_Counter_Bottom_Right GrabzIt_Counter_Middle_Center
The timestamp watermark places a image with the current date and time on the screenshot. The timestamp watermark identifier has the following format.
GrabzIt_Timestamp_UTC{offset}_{vertical position}_{horiztonal position}
You must replace the {offset}
, {vertical position}
, {horiztonal position}
placeholders with one of the following options:
Some example GrabzIt timestamps.
GrabzIt_Timestamp_UTC+0_Top_Left GrabzIt_Timestamp_UTC+10_Bottom_Right GrabzIt_Timestamp_UTC-5_Middle_Center
The text watermark places the plain text you specify on the screenshot. The text watermark identifier has the following format.
GrabzIt_Text_{text}_{vertical position}_{horiztonal position}
You must replace the {text}
, {vertical position}
, {horiztonal position}
placeholders with one of the following options:
Some example GrabzIt text watermarks.
GrabzIt_Text_My text_Top_Left GrabzIt_Text_My website description!_Bottom_Right