Tools to Capture and Convert the Web

Major Changes for GrabzIt’s Capture API

21 October 2020

One of GrabzIt's more advanced features is the ability to capture full-length screenshots as well as targeted HTML elements. Unfortunately capturing such information has been inaccurate in the past, so we have reworked how this is done.

Such that it is now faster and more accurate. Another consequence is that delays occur before the length of a screenshot is calculated. So you may need to extend any delays you are currently using.

These improvements include a new built-in proxy service. So if you capture a website, which requires the use of our proxy such as Google or request a capture using the proxy service, you should notice improved speed and reliability.

To further help simplify GrabzIt’s API we have removed the defunct Fallback browser option from the request as parameter.

Rather than retire the GrabzIt IntraProxy, we have decided to make it open source!! This is to encourage user take up, by showing exactly what it does to allay any security concerns, while encouraging bug fixes. Now you can capture and convert your localhost and intranet websites!

Is there something you wished GrabzIt did? Or some feature that's missing? Well now you can suggest any new features on our feature board.

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